“まだ古りぬものにはあれど君がため ふかき心にまつと知らなん” |
“Although this pine branch may appear
immature, I trust you understand it expresses my wish for the everlasting
happiness and prosperity of your little prince.” |
“長き世を頼めてもなほかなしきは ただ明日知らぬいのちなりけり” |
“Everyone wishes for a long life, knowing
the tragic reality that even tomorrow may never arrive.” |
“心おばなげかざらまし命のみ さだめなき世と思はましかば” |
“We wouldn’t cry over a change of heart, if
life were the only mutable thing in this world.” |
“世に知らずまどうふべきかなさきに立つ 涙も道をかきくらしつつ” |
“I will be lost like no one before, for my
tears will precede me, wiping away my path home.” |
“涙をもほどなき袖にせきかねて いかに別れをとどむべき身ぞ” |
“These mean sleeves are barely wide enough to
conceal my tears, revealing both my unworthiness and inability to keep you
near.” |
“忍び音や気味もなくらんかひもなきしでのたをさに心通はば” |
“You too would cry silent tears if your spirit were
bound to that of the one who died and left you behind” |
“橘の匂うあたりはほとどぎす心してこそ鳴くべかりけれ” |
“The citrus flowers in your garden stir up memories
of your lost love. In such a place, even nightingales will sing as if in
mourning.” |
“われもまた憂きふるさとを荒れ果てばたれ宿木の陰をしのばん” |
“If I leave this village of sorrowful memories behind
to fall into ruin, who will remain beneath this tree to recall my old days.” |
“哀れ知る心は人におくれねど数ならぬ身に消えつつぞふる” |
“Although no one feels more sorry for your loss,
knowing how little I mean to you, I remain silently by as if fading away.” |
“つれなしとここら世を見るうき身だに人の知るまで嘆きやはする” |
“I have seen a world of misfortunes and learned much
of life’s mutable nature, but, in truth, I am not as grieved as others believe.” |
“身を投げし 涙の川のはやき瀬をしがらみかけて 誰かとどめし” |
“After the torrent of my tears met
the river into which I threw myself, who plucked me from the current to keep me
alive?” |
“われかくて うき世の中にめぐるとも 誰かはしらむ 月のみやこに” |
I still inhabit this dismal world, Kyoto is none the wiser.” |
“あだし野の風になびくな女郎花 われしめ結はん道とほくとも” |
not ride on the wind to another’s arms. No matter how far the capital, our ties
are strong.” |
“うつし植えて思ひ乱れぬ女郎花 うき世をそむく草の庵に” |
flower that I have transplanted to our hermitage remains unstable and hides
itself away from the secular world.” |
“松虫の声をたづねて来つれどもまた荻原の露にまどひぬ” |
I came here upon the voices of autumn insects, your rejection leaves me stranded
here, soaked in the dew of the grass.” |
“法の師とたづぬる道をしるべにて思はぬ山にふみまどふかな” |
I traversed the mountains to visit a Buddhist master, the same path led me to
you, where I became unexpectedly lost in love.” |